Question & Answer » Physics Questions » The Outermost Layer of the Earth is Called (1) Crust (2) Mantel (3) Core (4) None of the Above

The Outermost Layer of the Earth is Called (1) Crust (2) Mantel (3) Core (4) None of the Above

Answer: Earth is made of varied layers, including crust, mantle and core. The outermost layer of earth is composed of solid rock materials, basalt or granite. The crust of two categories would be oceanic and continental. Oceanic crusts are much dense, consisting of basalt. The mantle is above the crust with a thickness of 2900 km. 

The mantle consists of dense and solid rock materials, including iron and magnesium. The core forms the earth’s centre, made of not more than two layers. This includes the outer and inner core. The outermost core layer is composed of liquid materials, while the inner layer is solid materials. 

The outermost layer of earth is known as the crust, followed by the mantle and core. They are subdivided into inner and outer cores.