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The Inertia of a Moving Object Depends upon?

The inertia of a moving object depends upon? a) momentum b) Speed c) Shape d) Mass. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: d)  Mass.


Inertia is defined as the property of an object which states that the object tends to remain in a state of rest or state of constant motion unless an external force is applied to it. Inertia is a passive property whose main function is to oppose the forces which will bring an object in rest to motion or bring changes to the magnitude or direction of an object that is in constant motion. 

The inertia of a moving object is directly related to its mass. More is the mass of the object, and more will be the inertia. Greater is the body mass; the greater is the inertia.

Inertia does not depend upon the speed, shape or momentum. It does not depend upon the momentum because, in a system, the total energy and momentum remain conserved and do not change.

Newton’s First Law, which is the law of Inertia. This law states that a body which is at rest will tend to stay at a rest state only or a body which is in motion will tend to remain in constant motion unless an external force is applied to it.