Question & Answer » Physics Questions » The Clear Sky Appears Blue Because (a) Blue Light gets Absorbed in the Atmosphere (b) Ultraviolet Radiations are Absorbed in the Atmosphere (c) Violet and Blue Lights get Scattered more than Lights of all Other Colours by the Atmosphere (d) Light of all Other Colours is Scattered more than the Violet and Blue Colour Lights by the Atmosphere

The Clear Sky Appears Blue Because (a) Blue Light gets Absorbed in the Atmosphere (b) Ultraviolet Radiations are Absorbed in the Atmosphere (c) Violet and Blue Lights get Scattered more than Lights of all Other Colours by the Atmosphere (d) Light of all Other Colours is Scattered more than the Violet and Blue Colour Lights by the Atmosphere

Answer: (c) violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere 

The effect of light scattering by atmospheric particles is thought to be responsible for the sky’s blue colour. 

Because our eyes are more adapted to sense and detect blue light than violet light, we perceive the sky to be a large dispersion of blue light, and hence the sky seems blue.

As a result, the correct answer is  (c) violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere