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Steel More Elastic than Rubber

Why is steel more elastic than rubber?- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Why Is Steel More Elastic than Rubber?

Elasticity is a body’s capacity to recover to its original state after being subjected to external stress and strain. If a body returns to its original configuration faster than others, it is considered to be more elastic.

Stress is defined as an external force that causes a thing to alter. It is the amount of force exerted to an item per unit area.

Where is the applied stress, F is the applied force, and A is the cross-sectional area. In the SI system, the unit of stress is N/m2.

Strain is the amount of change or distortion that occurs in an item as a result of the application of stress. Strain may be defined as follows: where l denotes the elongation created in the material and L indicates the material’s initial length. There is no unit for strain.

The elasticity of a material is defined as its capacity to restore its original form after being subjected to an external force. The Young’s modulus of a material is defined as the ratio of stress applied to a body to the strain created in it.

When we apply similar quantities of stress to steel and rubber with the same cross-sectional area, we discover that rubber stretches more than steel. The strain generated by rubber is substantially greater than that produced by steel. This indicates that steel has a higher Young’s modulus of elasticity than rubber and hence has more elasticity. Hence, that is why steel is more elastic than rubber.