Question & Answer » Physics Questions » State Newton’s second law of motion and show that the first law of motion can be mathematically started from Newton’s second’s law

State Newton’s second law of motion and show that the first law of motion can be mathematically started from Newton’s second’s law

Answer: Newton’s second law of motion states that the rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the applied unbalanced force in the direction of force.

To Show: Mathematical Derivation of Newton’s first law of motion from the second law of motion.

According to the second law of motion,

F = m*a 

Or F = m (v -u)/t (As acceleration = v-u/t, where u = initial velocity and v = final velocity)

Or Ft = mv – mu

It implies that for any given time t, v = u in case F = 0. And hence the object will maintain a constant velocity u while moving throughout the time duration t. Even when u = 0, it would imply that v = 0 and the object will continue to remain in the state of rest.