Question & Answer » Physics Questions » Sound Travels Fastest in Which of the Following Substances (1) Solids (2) Liquids (3) Gasses (4) None of the Above

Sound Travels Fastest in Which of the Following Substances (1) Solids (2) Liquids (3) Gasses (4) None of the Above

Answer: (1) Solids

The speed of movement of solids is greater than that of air, fluid, or vacuum. A denser medium allows for quicker travel times for sound waves.

The density of solids is higher than that of air, liquids, and even a vacuum. As can be seen in the table below, the sound velocity shifts depending on the medium. The speed at which solids move is significantly greater than that of air, fluid, or vacuum. Sound travels at a faster pace via denser medium.

When compared to the densities of air, liquid, and vacuum, the density of solids is significantly higher. The speed of sound in various media, including vacuum, gas, liquid, and solid.