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On the Earth, the Sun Rises in the East and Sets in the West

On the Earth, the Sun Rises in the East and Sets in the West. Will It Be the Same on Venus?

Since the Earth rotates from west to east, the sun will rise & set in the west. Planets rotate with a pro-grade tilt.

Consider one movement, the earth’s rotation on its axis, to grasp this notion. Forget the earth’s orbit of the sun for a time.

Because the globe rotates west to east, the sun rises in the east & sets in the west. If you’re facing east, the item within the sky will ultimately turn, and the eastern horizon will rise above the horizon.

So the sun does not move in comparison to the earth, which moves from east to west. As a result, it appears that the sun is travelling from east to west at that moment.

The sun appears to be rising from the east due to the earth’s daily motion, because of this reason, the sun always rises in the east and always sets in the west. Usually, The earth always revolves in an anticlockwise direction.

However, Venus spins clockwise, which would be the polar opposite of our solar system. So, why does Venus revolve in a clockwise direction? Due to their comparable diameters, Venus & Earth are considered sister planets. The planet Venus rotates backward.

From east to west, it revolves all around the sun. The spin of the planet Venus is the polar opposite of the earth’s spin.