Question & Answer » Physics Questions » In Sonar we Use A) Ultrasonic waves B) Infrasonic waves C) Radio waves D) Audible sound waves

In Sonar we Use A) Ultrasonic waves B) Infrasonic waves C) Radio waves D) Audible sound waves

AnswerThe correct option is (A) Ultrasonic Waves

SONAR is the short form for sound navigation and ranging. It is described as the technology that uses sound waves to determine the distance and orientation of underwater objects. This method is used by creatures like bats and whales.

  • SONAR is a typical use of ultrasonic energy. SONAR uses ultrasonic waves instead of audible sound waves
  • SONAR employs ultrasonic waves, or noises with a frequency over 20,000 hertz
  • The UV rays are not significantly dispersed or diverted.