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Explain what is Momentum

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Answer: It is the product of a particle’s mass and velocity The term “momentum” refers to a quantity that has a direction as well as a magnitude. The temporal rate of change in momentum is directly proportional to the force applied over the particle, according to Isaac Newton’s second law of motion. 

Formula of Momentum:  p = mv

p =  momentum

m =  mass

v =  velocity

According to Newton’s second law, if a constant force is applied to a particle for a given time period, the product of force & time interval (the impulse) equals the change in momentum. A particle’s momentum, on the other hand, is the time taken for a constant force to bring it to rest.

The vector sum of all the individual momenta determines the momentum of the collection of particles.

Newton’s third law states that the particles apply equal & opposite forces on each other and, therefore every change in the momentum of one particle is perfectly balanced by the equal & opposite change in another particle’s momentum. The law of conservation of momentum states that when a collection of particles is not subjected to a net external force, their total momentum remains constant.