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Define Focal Length

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Define Focal Length

The definition of focal length can be stated as the length between a lens of a convex type or a mirror of concave type and the point of focus of the lens or the mirror is known as the focal length. A focal length is a point where the meeting or converging of the parallel rays of the light takes place. There happens to take place a variation in the focal length with the sign of positive or negative concerning the nature of the long lens or the mirror owns (convex/concave). The use of a concave mirror or the use of a convex lens takes place in the finding of focal length.

Meaning of Concave Mirror

The definition of a mirror of concave nature can be defined as a mirror, spherical in shape the reflecting surface of which is curved and inclined on the inner side and thus it obeys the law about the reflection of light.

Meaning of Convex Lens

The meaning of a convex lens can be understood as a lens that is thinner in its middle portion and at the same time is thicker at the portion of the edges. The lens that such properties are said to be known as the lens of convex nature.