Question & Answer » Physics Questions » Both power and manure is provided by A) Nuclear plants B) Thermal plants C) Biogas plants D) Hydroelectric plant

Both power and manure is provided by A) Nuclear plants B) Thermal plants C) Biogas plants D) Hydroelectric plant

Answer: (C) Biogas plants.

Explanation: The following are the many types of power plants:

A) Thermal Power Station- A thermal power station is a power plant that converts heat energy into electric energy.

B) Nuclear Plant- A nuclear power plant with a nuclear reactor as the heat source.

C) Hydro-electric Plant- This is a power plant that employs hydro energy as a source of energy. The river’s water provides energy.

D) Bio-gas Plant- A biogas plant is a facility that produces biogas through the fermentation of organic materials.

As a result, the right solution is (C). Biogas plants generate both electricity and manure.