Question & Answer » Physics Questions » At Noon the Sun Appears White as a) Light is Least Scattered b) All the Colours of the White Light are Scattered Away c) Blue Colour is Scattered the Most d) Red Colour is Scattered the Most

At Noon the Sun Appears White as a) Light is Least Scattered b) All the Colours of the White Light are Scattered Away c) Blue Colour is Scattered the Most d) Red Colour is Scattered the Most

Answer: a) Light is the least scattered.

Distinct wavelengths of light combine to form white light. The sun is overhead at noon and the light is scattered the least, making it appear white. 

When the sun is overhead there is less air for the light to travel through, reducing the scattering of light. Scattering is also done through dust and other particles present in the air. When the sun is overhead, the distance of the light to be travelled in the air is reduced, limiting the scattering of light as well. 

Only little colours of blue and violet are scattered at noon, making the sun appear white.