Question & Answer » Physics Questions » According to the Third Law of Motion, Action and Reaction (a) Always act on the Same Body, (b) Always act on Different Bodies in Opposite Directions, (c) have same Magnitude and Directions, (d) act on Either Body at Normal to each other

According to the Third Law of Motion, Action and Reaction (a) Always act on the Same Body, (b) Always act on Different Bodies in Opposite Directions, (c) have same Magnitude and Directions, (d) act on Either Body at Normal to each other

Answer: According to the third law of motion, action and reaction always act on the different bodies in opposite directions.

  • Newton’s third law states that the action and reaction always exist in a pair, and they’re equivalent or balanced and act in the direction opposite them.

  • They always act on different bodies, Because if both forces are opposite and equal, they will nullify or cancel each other.

  • An example of the third law of motion Newton’s is – the motion of a rocket.

  • When the gases are liberated at very high pressure or speed from the rocket, the missile is obliged to move in the opposite direction due to the presence of Newton’s third law.