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1 HP is equal to ____Watts

1 HP is equal to ____. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

1 HP is equal to ____Watts

1 HP is equal to 746 watts.


Power in physics is defined as the rate of doing work or the rate at which a particular work is performed by a machine.

Power = Work Done / time (sec)

Watt (W) is used as an absolute unit of power.

When talking about the practical unit of power, it is horsepower (HP).

  1. One Horse Power is defined as the amount of work that can be done by a standard horse in one second.
  2. In the International System of Units (SI) the electrical equivalent of one horsepower is equal to 746 watts.
  3. Horsepower is the common unit of power that can be explained as the rate at which work is completed.
  4. It is James Watt, the Scottish engineer who derived this value. 
  5. It is the output of Motors or Engines that is measured in horsepower. 


Both Horse Power (HP) and Watts (W0 are different units of power. Power can either be mechanical or electric and it can be transformed between the same.

It is known that 1 pound is equal to 4.448 N

550-foot pounds per seconds can be converted into metric units and the same is explained as below:

550 x 0.3048 x 4.448 Nm.s-1

1 HP = 550 foot-pound per second

1 pound = 4.448 N

1 foot = 0.3048m

1 HP = 550 x 0.3048 x 4.448 Nm.s-1

1 HP = 745.69 Nm.s-1

Therefore, it can be concluded that 1 HP is equal to 745.69 Nm.s-1, which can be approximated as 746 Watts.