Question & Answer » Physics Questions » 1 Electron Volt is Equal to How Many Joules

1 Electron Volt is Equal to How Many Joules

Answer: 1 eV = 1.602 × 10-19 J

  • We are aware that energy and work are also measured in joules, abbreviated as J.
  • Both the electron volt (eV) and the Joule (J) are measures of energy. We employ both units for computations, depending on the requirement.
  • The Joule is the SI unit of energy, while the electron volt is a unit of energy. Both Joules and eV may be understood relative to one another.
  • Joule is the most frequent unit of energy measurement, whereas eV is the most common unit for computing the energy of atomic energy levels.
  • Now, the value of 1eV is given by:

1 electron volt = 1.602 × 10-19  Joules, i.e. 1 eV = 1.602 × 10-19  J.