Which Is the Largest 3 Digit Number?
The largest 3 digit number is 999. The smallest 3 digit number is 100.
We will now divide 999 by the result from our LCM calculation, 120. Since the remainder is not 0, we subtract 39 from 999. Since 997 is not divisible by 2, we reduce it to 960, a multiple of 120 and precisely divisible (960 / 120).
The sum of all 3 digit numbers is 45,045.
The average of all 3 digit numbers is 300.3. There are 900 possible three-digit numbers.
The product of all 3 digit numbers is 998,001,000.
The greatest 3-digit number that is exactly divisible by 8, 10, and 12 is determined.
We’ll use the Least Common Multiple (LCM) method to tackle this.
To find the greatest three-digit number divisible by 8, 10, and 12, we must first figure out the LCM of the given numbers.
We know that the most significant three-digit number is 999. Therefore we divide this amount by 120 to obtain the LCM.
Because the remainder is not zero, we subtract 39 from 999.
999 – 39 = 960, which is a multiple of 120 and is exactly divisible.
120 × 8 = 960 and 120 × 9 = 1080.
We notice that 1080 is a four-digit number, but we need the greatest three-digit multiple.
Therefore, the greatest 3-digit multiple of 120 is 960 since 8 × 120 = 9600.
The greatest three-digit number divisible by 8, 10, and 12 exactly are 960.