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When Two Vectors are Perpendicular their Dot Product is?

Answer: First, if the two vectors are perpendicular, the angle between them is 900.

Cross product of vectors equals magnitudes and sine of the angle between them.

Vector magnitudes are AB=|A||B|sin.

Given perpendicular vectors, =900

AB=|A||B|sin|A||B|sin900 when sine is substituted in vector magnitudes.

Since sin900=1 (since the first quadrant touches the circumference of any circle with the y-axis and becomes a fraction of 11)


When two vectors are perpendicular, their cross product isn’t zero, but their dot product is.

The commutative property holds in scalar a.b=b.a but not in abba.

Parallel lines don’t cross, unlike perpendicular lines.

Straight lines are unlikely in the given plane.

Since sin 900 =1, but cos 900 = 0

and, tan 900 = sin900 cos900⇒10 = ∞

Also cot900 = 1tan900 = cos900.sin900⇒01