Question & Answer » Mathematics Questions » What is the Value of Cosec 30

What is the Value of Cosec 30

Answer: Cosec 30 degrees has a value of 2. 

Cosec 30 degrees may alternatively be stated as the radian equivalent of the given angle (30 degrees) (0.52359 . . .).

Using the degree to radian conversion, we know that θ in radians Equals θ in degrees (pi/180°).

30 degrees = 30 degrees (π /180 degrees) rad = 6 or 0.5235…

30° cosec = cosec(0.5235) = 2

Cosec 30°: 2

Cosec (-30 degrees): -2

Cosec 30° in radians: cosec (π/6) or cosec (0.5235987 . . .)