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What is the Derivative of 2x ?

What is the derivative of 2x ? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: A purely algebraic function is the square root of x. It is also possible to think of it as a composite function, in which the value of x is algebraic, and the value of 2 is constant. The algebraic functions’ derivatives are not difficult to ascertain by any means.

Due to the fact that the formula for the derivative of a straight line function, f(x) = axe + b, is provided by the equation f'(x) = a, where a and b are real values, the derivative of 2x is equal to 2. The formula d(ax+b)/dx = an is used to determine the differentiation of the variable 2x.

Calculating the derivatives of 2x is possible with the application of sing’s first principle of differentiation, the product rule, and the power rule.

Let f(x) = 2x- 3/4

f'(x) d(2x-3) = dx


= 2

f'(x) = 2