Question & Answer » Mathematics Questions » Two Cards are Drawn one by one at Random from a pack of 52 cards. The Probability that both of them are King Is?

Two Cards are Drawn one by one at Random from a pack of 52 cards. The Probability that both of them are King Is?

Answer: Given: Two cards are drawn from the pack of 52 cards,

The probability that both cards are Kings must be calculated.

Formula used: 

Probability = number of favourable/Total number of favourable.

 nCr = n!/{(n – r)! × r!} 


A 52-card deck of playing cards can be used to draw two cards. 

⇒ 52C2 = 52!/{(52 – 2)! × 2!} 

⇒ (52 × 51 × 50!)/(50!× 2 × 1) 

⇒ (52 × 51)/2 

⇒ 1326 

The possibility of two kings appearing in a single draw exists in 4C2. 

⇒ 4!/{(4 – 2)! × 2!} 

⇒ (4 × 3)/2 ⇒ 6 

The answer to the query is 

The likelihood that they are kings 

⇒ 6/1326 

← 1/221
They have a 1/221 chance of being kings.