Question & Answer » Mathematics Questions » The Smallest 8-digit number is

The Smallest 8-digit number is

The smallest 8-digit number is? (a) 00000001 (b) 10000000 (c) 10000111 (d) 12345678. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

The smallest 8-digit number is?

(a) 00000001

(b) 10000000

(c) 10000111

(d) 12345678

Answer is 10000000


Succinctly, this term describes the number that follows a given number.

If we want to find the number that comes after a given one, we must first increase the given number by one.

Assume that ‘a’ is the given value.

As a result, a+1 will be a’s heir apparent.

S stands for the successor function.


  • S(n) = n+1

While 9999999 is already the largest seven-digit number known,

To begin, let us assume that n is a large, seven-digit number.

The largest 7-digit number has now been overtaken by the following:

  • S = n+1
  • S = 9999999+1
  • S=10000000

Thus, the smallest 8-digit number is 10000000.

Because of this, the appropriate answer is 10000000.

To understand sequence, remember that the successor function is an essential component.

The number immediately following the largest 7-digit number yields the smallest 8-digit number, so we calculated its successor. Considering it is the first 8-digit number.

In either case, the smallest 8-digit number’s predecessor is the largest 7-digit number. The number preceding a given number is referred to as the predecessor.
