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The Probability of an Event Lies Between

The probability of an event lies between- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

The Probability of an Event Lies Between

Probability is a discipline of maths concerned with numerical explanations of the likelihood of an event occurring or the truth of a claim. The probability of an event always lies between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating impossibility and 1 indicating certainty, broadly speaking.

The greater the frequency of an occurrence, the more probable it is that it will happen. The throwing of a coin is a basic illustration. The two objectives (“heads” and “tails”) are equally likely; the likelihood of “heads” matches the probability of “tails”; and there are no other possibilities.

Why Is There a Probability Between 0 and 1?

Let’s assume that,

The total number of positive outcomes = n

Probability = p

As a result, by the definition

n/t = P

However, we understand that the total number of favourable outcomes must be larger than 0 and fewer than the entire number of outcomes ‘t’ since if favourable results either are negative or higher than total results, it appears that the equation is ambiguous and incorrect.


dividing it by the entire number of possible outcomes ‘t’


As previously stated,


As a result of the foregoing relationship, the probability is between 0 and 1.

Such ideas have indeed been provided an axiomatic arithmetical formalisation in probability theory, which would be widely used in fields like statistical data, algebra, scientific knowledge, financial management, gambling, machine intelligence, machine learning, computer programming, behavioural economics, and ideology to draw assumptions about just the anticipated occurrence of events, for example.

The fundamental mechanics & regularities of complicated systems are also described using probability theory.