Question & Answer » Mathematics Questions » A shopkeeper offers Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer on t-shirt marked at Rs. 2, 400. If after a sale, the shopkeeper earns a profit of 33.33%. Then what is the actual price of the t-shirt

A shopkeeper offers Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer on t-shirt marked at Rs. 2, 400. If after a sale, the shopkeeper earns a profit of 33.33%. Then what is the actual price of the t-shirt

Answer: Rs. 900

The shopkeeper makes a profit. On t-shirts priced at Rs. 2,400, there is a Buy One, Get One Free deal.

The cost of two t-shirts is Rs 2,400.

That is, the selling price of one t-shirt may be estimated as 2400/2= Rs 1,200.

Profit is 33.33 percent.

Let’s figure out how much a t-shirt costs.

Cost price = SP (Selling Price) × 100 / (100 + Profit)

CP = 1200 × 100 / (100 + 33.33)

CP = 120000 / 133.33

CP = 900

CP = Rs 900

As a result, the t-true shirt’s cost is Rs 900.