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Highest Common Factor

Find the highest common factor of 36 and 84. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customised for students.

Q. Find the Highest Common Factor of 36 and 84

  • The greatest number among all the common factors of two or more numbers is known as HCF (Highest Common Factor)

  • The methods to find the HCF of 36 and 84 are given below:

    1. Long Division Method
    2. Prime Factorization Method
    3. Using Euclid’s Algorithm
  • Finding HCF of 36 and 84 by using the long division method

    1. Firstly, Divide 84 (larger number) by 36 (smaller number).
    2. Secondly, Since the remainder ≠ 0, we will divide the divisor of step 1 (36) by the remainder (12).
    3. Thirdly, Repeat the above-mentioned process until the remainder = 0.
    4. The corresponding divisor (12) is the HCF of 36 and 84.
  • Finding HCF of 36 and 84 by using Prime Factorization Method

    1. Prime factorization of 36 = (2 × 2 × 3 × 3) and 84= (2 × 2 × 3 × 7) 
    2. common prime factors of 36 and 84 are 2, 2, and 3. 
    3. Hence, the HCF of 36 and 84 is 2 × 2 × 3 = 12.
  • Finding HCF of 36 and 84 by using Euclid’s Algorithm

According to Euclidean Algorithm, HCF (X, Y) = HCF (Y, X mod Y)

where X > Y and the mod is the modulo operator.

Here, X = 84 and Y = 36

    • HCF (84, 36) = HCF (36, 84 mod 36) = HCF (36, 12)
    • HCF (36, 12) = HCF (12, 36 mod 12) = HCF (12, 0)
    • HCF (12, 0) = 12 (∵ HCF (X, 0) = |X|, where X ≠ 0)

Therefore, the value of HCF of 36 and 84 is 12.