Question & Answer » Mathematics Questions » Find a Pythagorean Triplet Whose One Number is 12

Find a Pythagorean Triplet Whose One Number is 12

Answer: To find a Pythagorean triplet, first, determine the value of m, and then substitute it into the other two equations. After simplifying them, the desired solution will be obtained.

Here, we know that the standard form of the Pythagorean triplet is (2m, m2 – 1, m2 + 1).

So, 2m = 12

m = 6

Similarly, to find others put m=6

m2 – 1 = 62 – 1

= 36 – 1

= 35

m2 + 1 = 62 + 1

= 36 + 1

= 37

So the Pythagorean Triplet is 12,35,37.