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Every Natural Number is Integer True or False

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Every Natural Number is Integer True or False? 

To know if every natural number is an integer or not, it is important to understand the concept of natural numbers and integers.

Natural Numbers

  • Natural numbers are a significant component of the number system that includes all positive integers, starting from 1 to infinity.
  • These numbers are used for counting purposes.
  • Natural numbers do not consist of zero.
  • Natural numbers are denoted by N and the set of such numbers is, N = {1, 2, 3, 4,…….}.


  • Integers are defined as the set of positive whole numbers and negative numbers.
  • Integers do not consist of a fractional part of the number.
  • Integers are the zero, positive, and negative numbers but not fractions.
  • Integers are denoted by Z and the set of such numbers is, Z = {-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.

After observing both concepts of natural numbers and integers, it can be said that:

  • A set of integers comprises whole numbers that can be positive, zero, and negative but not fractions.
  • On the other hand, natural numbers can also be whole numbers but do not include zero and negative integers.
  • The examples for the set can be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,…..}.

Hence, it can be concluded that all natural numbers are integers. 

The answer to the statement- “every natural number is an integer true or false” is true. Both natural numbers and integers are components of rational numbers.