Question & Answer » GK Questions » Write The Names of Members of The Drafting Committee of The Indian Constitution

Write The Names of Members of The Drafting Committee of The Indian Constitution

Answer: The Indian Constitution is the world’s longest legal document. Starting out, there were three ninety-five articles in twenty-two sections and eight schedules. As the second-largest working constitution in the world, it contains approximately 145,000 words. Twenty-five parts with twelve schedules and five appendices, four forty-eight articles and a hundred and one amendments are currently in place.

The Indian Constitution Drafting Committee was established on August 29th, 1947, with the appointment of seven members:

  1. D.P. Khaitan
  2. B.R. Ambedkar
  3. Mohammad Saadulla
  4. N. Gopalaswami
  5. B.L. Mitter
  6. Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
  7. K.M Munshi