Question & Answer » GK Questions » Write the Differences between Actual and Potential Resources

Write the Differences between Actual and Potential Resources

Actual resources are not used on current bases but daily; On daily bases, we can use potential resources daily. We can prove potential resources and can also use them in the future whenever it is needed. On the other hand, an actual resource can be proved if they have any potential resources.  We can reserve essential resources for the future. We can also know the quality and how much quantity it is available, like oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, which can be seen, and we can also use the resource. We can save potential resources for the future. Can save potential resources for the future if they exist as long as we want to as long as they exist and can also be used in the future. Sedimentary rocks are found in India, but they need hard work to remove and use them.

Potential Resource

  • The quantity of Potential resources is not known

  • Potential Resources not used in the current period

  • Improvement in technology is needed to use these resources

  • The best example of these resources is petroleum in India which we can use in the future if it is not used

  • The uranium deposits in Ladakh are important examples of Potential resources

Actual Resources

  • The quantity of Actual Resources can be known

  • Actual resources are used in the current period and at the current time

  • The available technology can fulfil these resources

  • The best example of these resources is water, oil, fish, minerals, and trees

  • Coal deposits are also a good example of Actual Resources