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Write any Two Reasons for Land Degradation

Write any two reasons for land degradation. Find the answer to this question that is customized for learners.

Q. Write any two reasons for land degradation nowadays.

Answer:- Land Degradation is mainly a process in which the biophysical value of the soil is greatly reduced because of natural or man-made activities. Land Degradation usually happens because of extreme economic and agricultural activities. Several reasons are there that cause land degradation. Among them, deforestation and flooding play a huge role in land degradation. 

Due to deforestation, the land becomes more and more vulnerable to today’s climatic conditions. It affects the soil deeply and loosens the top of it, which eventually increases land erosion. Flood is also one of the reasons behind land degradation. It severely damages the land when the water enters the agricultural areas. It automatically degrades the quality of the soil.