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Who is the Symbol of Knowledge

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Who is the Symbol of Knowledge? 

Answer: Dr B.R. Ambedkar is regarded as a symbol of knowledge because he holds several advanced degrees, including M.A., MSc., PhD, and others. He has worked in a high-level position and has devoted a lot of time and effort to improving training components. He is considered a symbol of knowledge worldwide because he has more than 10 degrees in diverse disciplines of study.

Babasaheb was one of India’s greatest lawyers and barristers at the time. Mahatma Gandhi was an exception, yet being a member of the socially oppressed Dalit minority, his climb to such levels is still remarkable. It is uncommon to find such persons in today’s society, not just from the Dalit community but also from the higher caste community, who can match Babasaheb’s unrivaled knowledge.

On April 14, 1891, Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr B.R. Ambedkar, a famous historian, statesman, renowned economist, notable jurist, strong anthropologist, reputed scholar, emancipator, great educationist, social scientist, true nationalist, a great visionary,  revolutionist, prolific writer, and at the top, a great constitutionalist was born in the land of India. Dr Ambedkar was a person who thirsted for knowledge and set an example for activists by earning MA, M.Sc, PhD, D.Sc, Barrister-at-Law, D.Litt, L.L.D, and other academic degrees.

This is almost impossible to put into words his extraordinary educational background. It’s no surprise that he’s also regarded as the “symbol of knowledge” and “the symbol of information,” in which the world holds him in high regard. Ambedkar used to read about the nation’s great personalities, but today he is studied by the world’s best personalities.