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Who is known as the Father of Yoga

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Who is known as the Father of Yoga?

Answer: Lord Shiva is the father of yoga, which is peculiar. In ancient literature, he is also referred to as Adiyogi, or the first yogi, rather than as a God. Lord Shiva is reported to have attained 100 percent enlightenment and was able to use 100 percent of his brain almost 15000 years ago. When this happened, he travelled to the Himalayas and began dancing due to his joy; his wild dance piqued people’s interest in learning the secret of his happiness. Except for seven people who stayed, everyone gathered and departed waiting for him to reveal the mystery. The Saptrishis are a group of seven persons. These Saptrishis begged Lord Shiva to reveal the secret of his perfect enlightenment, as well as the path to such a blissful ecstatic condition. Lord Shiva, on the other hand, did not answer since he was absolutely still and undisturbed by the outside world.

After a long period of appealing, Shiva responded by saying that the Saprishis were unprepared, and that even a million years would be insufficient to instruct them. So the Saptarishis began sadhana, which delighted Lord Shiva enough that he agreed to educate them after 84 years. After careful consideration, Shiva chose to impart Yogic Science information to the human race.

Yogic Science is more than just a set of exercises; it is a mechanism that governs the entire human system. This wisdom was passed down on the banks of Kantisarovar, a lake located a few kilometres from Kedarnath. Shiva taught these seven sages seven different parts of yoga and requested them all to share their learnings. These sages proceeded in seven different ways after finishing their education to impart the wisdom and mysteries of enlightenment that they had gained for so long.