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Who is considered the Father of Ecology in India

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Who is considered the father of ecology in India? 

Answer: Ecology is the study of relationships between the physical environment and living beings. The study of ecology aims to understand the connection between animals, plants, and the world around them. By studying ecology, you will get a brief about the ecosystem and how it can benefit living beings. The study also helps us understand how to use the Earth’s natural resources for us and our future generations. 

Ecologists are people who study the relationships that plants and animals share with the environment. They are the ones who help to balance environmental needs. They also help with ideas about land management. It is the ecologists who study the various problems in the environment. They are the ones who dig in and find the reason for these environmental problems and also provide suitable solutions to them. Thus, ecologists are scientists who study the environment. 

Ramdeo Misra is considered to be the father of ecology. He has some of the most remarkable contributions in the field of ecology. Born on August 26, 1908, Ramdeo Misra achieved his PhD in Ecology in the year 1937 under professor W.H. Peasall, FRS. He did his PhD from Leeds University, UK. He was the one who started to teach ecology and began research on the subject at the Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi. Some of his top research included tropical communities and their later successions. Environmental responses of various living beings with grassland ecosystems and tropical forests. 

Ramdeo Misra was the person to start a postgraduate course in a subject like ecology. He was given several honours for his contribution to Indian ecology. These honours include fellowships from the World Academy of Arts and Science and the Indian National Science Academy. He was also honoured with the Sanjay Gandhi Award in Environment and Ecology, one of the most prestigious awards. 

Ramdeo Misra and his undying efforts made the Government of India establish the National Committee for Environmental Planning and Coordination in 1972, which later came to be known as the Ministry of Environment.