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Who is called the first citizen of India

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Who is called the first citizen of India?

The President of India is referred to as the first citizen of India because it is this individual that represents the entire nation.  Here are some facts about the President-

  1. Currently, the President of India, also known as the first citizen of India is Ram Nath Kovind.
  2. It is the President of India that acts as the symbol of unity, solidarity, and integrity of the country.
  3. The president of India enjoys several powers and responsibilities as the first citizen of India.
  4. Not only is the first citizen of India the head of the Indian state but also is appointed as the Supreme Commander of the defense force of the nation. 
  5. It is the President of India on whose behalf the international agreements and treaties are concluded and negotiated. 
  6. The Indian President is not elected by the citizens of the country but by the members of the Electoral College. 
  7. The elected members of the legislative assemblies of the states, the elected members of the Upper House and Lower House of Parliament, and the elected members of the legislative assemblies of the union territories of Delhi and Puducherry form the Electoral College. 
  8. It is through the system of Proportional representation through a Single Transferable Vote that the election for President is held. 
  9. An individual to become the President of India or the first citizen of India needs to be an Indian citizen.
  10. Additionally, the individual must not have any office of profit under the union, state, local government, or any other public authority.
  11. An individual must be qualified to be elected as a member of the Lok Sabha.
  12. Also, the age of the candidate should be 35 years or more.