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Who is called the Father of Computers

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Who is called the father of computers?

Answer: Charles Babbage is called the Father of computers. Charles Babbage’s calculating engines are among the most renowned in the prehistory of computer technology. 

The first successful automatic calculator was Babbage’s Difference Engine No.1, which is still regarded as being one of the greatest pieces of engineering of its time. 

Babbage has been called the “Father of Computing” on occasion. The Charles Babbage Institute (later known as the International Charles Babbage Society) was founded in his honour to recognise and celebrate his contributions to modern computing.

Babbage created the Difference Engine in 1821 to aid in the compilation of numerical data. As soon as he finished it in 1832, he had the epiphany that a better machine could do more than just one type of calculation. 

As a general symbol manipulator, it had some of the characteristics of today’s computers, such as the Analytical Engine (1856).

Biography of Charles Babbage’s

  • Born: 26 December 1791 (aged 79)
  • Home City: Marylebone, London, England
  • Known for: Mathematics, computing
  • Fields: Mathematics, engineering, political economy, computer science
  • Institutions: Trinity College
  • Died: 18 October 1871