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Who is a Consumer

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Definition of Consumer

The end-user of any product or service is known as the consumer. A consumer is someone who consumes a product or service without the consent of the buyer who purchased it.

A customer is any individual or group of individuals who, in addition to the buyer of the product or services, uses the product with his or her consent. To put it another way, the consumer is the one who uses the goods or services.

Types of Consumer

When a company sells a service or a product, it must first identify and classify the various categories of customers before marketing to them.

  1. Commercial Consumer: Consumers who buy in huge amounts but are unsure whether or not they require the product are known as commercial consumers. Additionally, they occasionally correlate unique needs with their purchasing orders.
  2. Discretionary Spending Consumers: These individuals have distinct purchasing tendencies. They usually buy a lot of clothing and technology devices.
  3. Extroverted Consumers: These individuals favour distinctive companies and become devoted customers after they have gained the brand’s confidence.
  4. Inferior Goods Consumer: Consumers that buy inferior items have a low income and purchase things at low costs.

A consumer is somebody who decides to choose whether or not to buy something at a store or is affected by advertisements and marketing.

When someone walks to the store to purchase clothing, a toy, a beverage, or whatever else, they are making a consumer decision. 

Any individual who purchases things for a price that has been either promised to be paid or partly paid & partly promised is referred to as a consumer.