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Who elects the members of Rajya Sabha?

Who elects the members of Rajya Sabha? - Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: In contrast to the Lok Sabha and the Lower House of Parliament, whose members are chosen by the general public, the Rajya Sabha is selected via an electoral college system in which duly elected representatives of legislative assemblies cast one transferable vote for each candidate.

Each MLA’s vote is tallied just once, and candidates from parties with a more significant representation in the state assembly are typically elected unanimously. The voting is not dependent on individual seats.

The MLAs rank the candidates in order of preference, and the candidate who receives the most votes is elected to the house.

When the candidates are selected, the MLAs’ “excess” votes are moved to the next candidate’s share at a reduced value. As a result, MLAs frequently have the opportunity to support candidates from many other political parties.