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Which Plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya Ranges

Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges

Answer: The Malwa plateau is located between the Aravalli & Vindhya mountains. Some facts related to the plateau are:

  1. The present-day kingdoms of Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh are located on this volcanic plateau.
  2. The plateau does have an average height of 500 metres and dips northward. It features beautiful Chambal gorges inside the north & is an undulating plateau. It is crossed by the Mahi, Chambal, & Betwa rivers, and the area is largely covered with savannah flora. Because of its volcanic origins, the area has a lot of black dirt. Because of its high water retention capacity, this soil needs less watering.
  3. The region is known for producing opium, wheat, & soybeans. Textiles are a big business in this town. Blackbuck, sambhar, & chinkara are among the creatures found in the area.
  4. Despite the fact that its governmental borders have changed over time, the region has established its very own distinct culture, inspired by Rajasthani, Marathi, & Gujarati traditions. The poet & dramatist Kalidasa, the novelist Bhartrihari, great mathematicians & astronomers Varahamihira plus Brahmagupta, as well as the polymath monarch Bhoja all resided in Malwa at some point in India’s history. In ancient times, Ujjain served as the region’s political, economic, & cultural hub, while Indore presently serves as the region’s major metropolis & commercial centre.
  5. Agriculture is the primary source of income for the inhabitants of Malwa. The region has long been among the world’s major opium growers. Textiles are a key business, wheat and soybean are important sources of funds for crops.