Question & Answer » GK Questions » Which one of the following is a Leguminous crop? (a) Pulses (b) Jawar (c) Millets (d) Sesamum

Which one of the following is a Leguminous crop? (a) Pulses (b) Jawar (c) Millets (d) Sesamum

Question: Which one of the following is a leguminous crop? 

A. Pulses 

B. Jawar

C. Millets

D. Sesamum

Answer: (A) Pulses


Option (A) Pulses is the correct answer.

India is one of the major producers and consumers of pulses all around the world. Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka are major states that produce pulses.

The pulses can even survive in drier conditions as they need very less moisture. Moong, urad, peas, gram, and tur major pulses are cultivated in India. 

Leguminous Crops are very useful in nitrogen fixation, reducing soil erosion, the crop rotation, and also improving the soil structure. The crops which have nodules in the roots that contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria are referred to as leguminous crops.