Question & Answer » GK Questions » Which of the Following Options are Virtualization Characteristics A) Isolation B) Encapsulation C) Partitioning D) All of the options

Which of the Following Options are Virtualization Characteristics A) Isolation B) Encapsulation C) Partitioning D) All of the options

Answer: D) All of the options


Virtualization is the technology that enables the creation of virtual version over the actual version of something.

All of the three terms in options a, b and c – Insolation, Encapsulation and Partitioning are the characteristics of Virtualization. The Option (a) Insolation allows the user to continue to work on the tasks in progress without any kind of interruption by facilitating other supports in case of failure of one. Option (b) Encapsulation acts as a security mechanism that prevents one application from interfering with another and Option (c) Partitioning involves the proper division of the resources that are available.