Question & Answer » GK Questions » Which Crop is sown in the Largest Area in India

Which Crop is sown in the Largest Area in India

Here we will learn about which crop is sown in the Largest Area in India.

Answer: Rice is planted in the biggest region in India. Rice creation is a critical supporter of India’s economy. India is one of the world’s top rice and earthy colored rice makers, representing 20% of worldwide rice creation. Rice is India’s most significant yield and the principal diet of the nation’s eastern and southern districts.

Rice can be filled in an assortment of ways relying upon the district. Customary rice reaping techniques, then again, are as yet utilized in India.

It is the country’s most significant harvest, truth be told. India is a significant exporter of this yield. Rice is a staple food crop that flourishes in sweltering, muggy environments since it is a tropical plant. Rice is generally cultivated in downpour taken care of areas with a ton of downpour every year. Subsequently, in India, it is viewed as a Kharif crop.