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Which Country is known as The Land of White Elephants

Answer: Thailand is known as the land of white elephants. Officially it’s called the Kingdom of Thailand in Southeast Asia. The elephant is the national symbol of the country.

Thailand is considered the land of white elephants because there are many white elephants in Thailand. They are considered to be a symbol of wealth, good fortune, and power. White elephants are rare animals that are said to bring good luck. This is why they’re so highly valued in Thailand. Most white elephants are either captive-born or captured. However, there are also reportedly naturally occurring white elephants.

The land of white elephants is a phrase that is used to describe an extravagant project. That has been completed but does not have any practical use. In Thailand, the phrase is used to describe projects that were funded by the government and built with public funds, but are not in use. These projects are usually unnecessary or poorly planned. 

The phrase “White elephant” first appeared in the English language in the 17th century. It is used to describe a creature of Southeast Asia that was hunted for its ivory but was not considered valuable for its meat.

The phrase is used to describe an extravagant project that has been completed but does not have any practical use. In Thailand, the phrase is used to describe projects that were funded by the government and built with public funds, but are not in use. These projects are usually unnecessary or poorly planned. The white elephant first appeared in the English language in 1675.

Symbol of Thailand: Navy

There is a vital connection between the Thailand government or Siam and these white elephants. The white elephant represents the ruler’s equity and capacity and is seen to be the gift of the king’s kingdom. The emblem of Thailand has a white elephant embedded in it. Thailand still maintains a royal stable consisting of at least 10 royal white elephants.