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What was the Immediate Cause of the French Revolution?

Answer: The immediate cause of the French Revolution was Financial Embarrassment. During the reign of Louis XVI, the government’s finances were in a terrible state. This situation arose as a result of a succession of costly wars undertaken since Louis XIV’s reign, as well as the court’s corrupt luxury. France was in a perpetual state of financial insolvency. Due to vested interests;
objections, all attempts to put the finances in order failed.

The situation deteriorated as a result of France’s moral and financial support for the American colonies rebelling against England at the time. It turned out to be a complete disaster. The
American Revolution established an example of victorious resistance to tyranny while also completing the country’s financial devastation.
The government was unable to prevent the imminent bankruptcy because the nobility refused to pay and the commons were unable to pay. In order to find a solution, Louis XVI was compelled
to assemble the States-General (1789). It should be remembered that the States-General had not been convened in two centuries. After such a long period, this appeal to the people revealed
that absolutism had finally failed. It signalled the end of the Ancient Regime and marked the beginning of the French Revolution.