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What Type of Clothes should we wear in Summer?

What type of clothes should we wear in summer? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.


  1. Summer is the hottest season of the year. The choice of our clothing will affect our comfort, and therefore, it is vital to choose clothing according to the season.
  2. Sweating is the body’s response to higher temperatures. Therefore, wearing clothes made out of fibre good at absorbing moisture is a great choice. One should not wear clothes that are too thick or do not absorb moisture.
  3. The fibre should be able to absorb all the sweat and expose it to the air. Exposing sweat to the air will result in its evaporation, leaving the body cooler and more comfortable.
  4. Woollen, denim and velvet clothes are often too thick and neither stretchy nor breathable.
  5. Clothes made of fibre like polyester, nylon, lace, silk or satin are too thin and not good at absorbing moisture. They can lead to sweat patches and redness or itchiness on the skin.
  6. Cotton clothes are often considered best to use during summer as cotton is thin and good at absorbing sweat. It is also breathable and comfortable.
  7. In addition to this, one must also choose clothes light in colour. Dark-coloured clothing absorbs more heat and can make one sweaty and uncomfortable.

   Therefore, in summer we should wear light-coloured cotton clothes.