Question & Answer » GK Questions » What is the Maximum Possible Length of an Identifier in Python?

What is the Maximum Possible Length of an Identifier in Python?

Answer: An identifier can have a maximum length of 79 characters in Python.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Guido van Rossum created it, and it was released in 1991. The language is often used in web development (server-side), software development, mathematics, and system scripting. The majority of modern operating systems are written in C, which means that compilers and interpreters are also written in C. This is also true for Python; its most popular/traditional implementation is written in C and is known as CPython. Regardless of whether you are an experienced programmer with C++, Java, or Python, Python is extremely suitable for beginners.

The Python programming language can be used on a server to write web applications. Workflows can also be created using Python. The language is capable of connecting to databases. It is also capable of reading and writing files. Python can deal with large amounts of data and process complex mathematical operations. Rapid prototypes can be created with Python, or production-ready applications can be developed with Python.

With some similarities to the English language and influences from mathematics, Python was designed to be comprehensible. Unlike many other programming languages, Python uses a new line to specify the end of a command instead of a semicolon or parentheses. In Python, whitespace is used to mark the scope of loops, functions, and classes using indentation. Most programming languages do the same thing by using curly brackets.