What is the full form of VIRUS on a computer?
Answer: Vital Information Resources Under Siege is also known as a computer VIRUS. It is a computer program that gets downloaded onto your computer without your complete knowledge and is run against consent.
Computer VIRUS can replicate itself and can be spread from one computer to another. The data files on a computer and the hard drives can be compromised in case of a VIRUS breach.
Vital Information Resources Under Siege (VIRUS) is a man-made program that is written to access private data, encrypt files, and corrupt information to display any kind of information on the screen of the user.
Host programs are inserted by VIRUSES and computer programs are affected. Computer viruses are responsible for causing damages worth billions every year. Most viruses target computer programs that use Microsoft Windows.
All the files on your computer can be corrupted in case of a virus making your systems unresponsive. In case the virus is neglected, then irrelevant messages and notifications keep popping up on your computer screen.
Worms, malware, trojan and ransomware are some examples of computer viruses. To counter these viruses, antivirus programs have been made such as Quickheal, Windows Defender, and Norton.