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What is the full form of PESA?

What is the full form of PESA?- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for learners.

Answer: The Government of India passed the Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, often known as PESA, to provide self-governance using customary Gram Sabhas for those residing in India’s Scheduled Areas. Sites designated as Scheduled Areas are those included in the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Ten Indian states with a large concentration of tribal tribes have Scheduled Areas. To develop a self-governing system concerning various concerns like conventional resources, marginal forest resources, minor mineral deposits, minor bodies of water, classification of beneficiaries, imposition of initiatives, and regulation over local organizations, PESA sought to empower the Panchayats at a reasonable amount and Gram Sabhas.