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What is The Full Form of DSP, ASP, SP, CI and SI

What Is The Full Form Of DSP, ASP, SP, CI And SI? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer: All these mentioned terms are related to the police force. These terms display the different ranks possessed by the police force. 


DSP refers to the Deputy Superintendent of Police. DSP rank is utilized by numerous police forces in the commonwealth as well as formerly within the British Empire. The DSP rank is generally above the assistant Superintendent as well as below Superintendent. 


ASP refers to Assistant Superintendent of Police. ASP rank is used by police forces within India. An officer holding the rank of ASP belongs to Indian Police Service (IPS). Each IPS officer began their police career from ASP. 


SP stands for Superintendent Police. SP is known to be a senior rank in the police force. An SP has one star along with one Ashoka emblem on their shoulders. Below it, IPS is written. The rank above from Superintendent police is Senior Superintendent. The rank below to Superintendent police is Additional Superintendent. 


CI means the Circle Inspector. Circle inspector is known to be a police officer in charge of a police circle. The police circle consists of more than just one police station. 


SI stands for Sub-Inspector. SI rank is generally used in South Asia. SI rank is utilized in the police forces of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan along with Sri Lanka. This is based on the British model.