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What is the Brightest Planet in the Solar System?

What is the brightest planet in the solar system? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question customized for students.

Question: What is the brightest planet in the solar system?

Answer: The Milky Way Galaxy comprises primarily eight planets including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets are unique in their manner and the planet which can be regarded as the brightest planet in the Milky Way Solar system is Venus. Venus is the closest neighbour to our planet Earth according to its position in the solar system. Venus is named after the goddess of love and can be described as a cloud swaddled planet according to its planetary environment. 

Venus is the second celestial planetary body from the sun and is not only the brightest planet among all other planetary bodies in the Milky way system but also the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature of the planet Venus is 480˚C can be regarded as enough to degrade the metal lead quite easily. Venus situated at a distance of 67 million miles from the sun is a terrestrial type of planet which is sometimes also regarded as the opposite of our planet concerning Earth’s astronomical systems. Venus rotates in the reverse direction and is a planet of elevated temperature and pressure systems.