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What is Commerce? Who is the Father of Commerce?

What is commerce? Who is the father of commerce? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customised for students.

Answer: Commerce is the exchange of goods and services among economic agents. In general, commerce refers to the exchange of goods, services, or something of value between businesses or entities. Commerce, along with Science and the Arts, is one of the most popular academic fields. Commerce is concerned with various aspects of business, trade, accounting, financial information/transactions, and merchandising. Commerce plays an important role in the development of nations and their citizens by facilitating trade between nations or within the nation.

There are 4 main subjects in Commerce:

  1. Accountancy
  2. Business Studies
  3. Economics and
  4. English

Accountancy – Accountancy and accounting are the primary words that organisations all over the world revolve around. To determine financial results, any top company in any industry requires proper accounting. The accounting stream teaches you basic accounting principles, how to prepare and decipher company financial statements, and how to measure an organisation’s financial performance

Business Studies – The subject’s name is self-explanatory. Business studies, as the name implies, is the study of business, commerce, and trade in the economy. You will learn about the formation and evolution of businesses in the economy. You will also learn about the business environment and the factors that influence it. This subject will help you understand the business world.

Economics – Economics is the most complicated yet important subject in commerce in CBSE classes 11 and 12. It gives you a thorough understanding of what an economy is and why you should read it. It also teaches students about how national and international economies work.

English – English is a subject that exists regardless of which group you belong to. You studied the subject and basic grammar until the tenth grade, and this is not a new shoe that doesn’t fit. It is a global language, and you must be fluent in it. Once you leave school, English is the only language that will ensure your survival in the business or career environment. 

According to Greek mythology, Poseidon is the father of commerce. He is the god of the sea and traded on it. Trading is important to commerce, so he is known as the “Father of Commerce.”