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What is Abstract Noun of Proud?

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Question: What is the Abstract Noun of Proud?

Answer: The abstract noun of proud is pride.

Abstract nouns refer to non-tangible ideas or things that cannot be grasped or understood using the five human senses. Abstract nouns are nouns that cannot be touched or perceived in any way, including concepts such as love, time, beauty, and science.

In most contexts, nouns stand-in for other types of words (including people, places, objects, and ideas). On the other hand, some things that appear to be objects are not things. Because they do not exist in the physical world and cannot be experienced or interacted with, thoughts, emotions, personality traits, and philosophical conceptions are referred to as abstract nouns.

A person is said to feel proud when they have a positive emotional response or attitude toward something that has a close personal connection to them and is highly valued. Pride can refer to either the quality of having pride or the state of having pride.